About Me
Welcome on my personnal website,
My name is Guillaume GRONNIER.
Actually, I’m working for VEOLIA as security engineer.
I also have my own little company in cyber security. Actually, I offer some services arount threat hunting and perimeter risk assesment.
I’m specialise in Threat Intelligence with good knowledge in threat hunting and malware hunting.
I also like forensic analysis and cyber investigation based on OSINT.
In past, I worked for:
- VINCI SA as CERT Analyst between September 2020 and Avril 2021.
- CEIS as Cyber Threat Intelligence consultant between October 2017 and July 2020. I was in work-study between October 2017 and December 2018 as part of my Master’s Degree in cyber defense.
- Cyberprotect CERT as malware analyst between September 2016 and July 2017 as part of my Bachelor’s Degree in hacking/pentest work-study.
- Michelin CERT as CERT analyst between April 2016 and June 2016 as part of my Two-year university degree in computing science placement.
My LinkedIN profile: Guillaume GRONNIER
I’m able to develop in many languages, but mostly in Golang and python. You can found some of my project on my github : https://github.com/gugronnier
Since 2015, i participate at some french computing security or hacking events:
- Nuit du Hack 2015 (Public CTF participant)
- Hackathon Edition-ENI 2015 (CTF participant)
- Nuit du Hack 2016 (Public CTF participant)
- FIC 2017 (CTF challenge creator with ACISSI association)
- Nuit du Hack 2017 (Public CTF challenge creator)
- Nuit du Hack 2018 (Public CTF challenge creator)
- LeHack 2019 (CTF participant with 0x90r00t team)
- peaCTF 2019 (CTF participant with 0x90r00t team)
- CCCamp 2019 (Online – CTF participant with 0x90r00t team)
- HackCon India 2019 (Online – CTF participant with 0x90r00t team)
- Defcamp Quals 2019 (Online – CTF participant with 0x90r00t team)
- Defcamp Final 2019 (Bucarest – CTF participant with 0x90r00t team)
- … many other CTF always with 0x90r00t team
My own CTF platform is available at http://ctfd.computing-innovation.ovh/
Actually there is only 3 categories (Forensic,Steganography and Cryptography) but I work on new ones when the time allow me to do it.
CVE found and reported :
- CVE-2019-10956 and CVE-2019-10958 on GEUTBRUCK G-Cam and G-Code as reported in the ICS CERT advisory ICSA-19-155-03
If you need to contact me for anything, feel free to use those available below:
Thank you to specify the reason in the title of the mail.
(untitled emails will be deleted automatically)